Thursday, February 19, 2009

speechless by emotion,

I'm going to miss this Kid, He was the type of kid where no matter what was going on, he knew how to make you smile. When shit went left he made it right. That one kid that was annoying as fuck, but couldn't stay mad at him for More then 5minutes. His crazy "Hey Girl Hey"or moaning some ones name when the class went quite. The kid could dance too, trying to get everyone to salsa when ever he was around. The kid would of one biggest flirt, there wasn't one girl at this school that he didn't talk to.Haha, school doesn't feel the same without you Kid.

Always remain in are hearts


  1. we will all miss roger i know i wont forget him i coulndnt even sit i class and act the same with out him he was a good friend

    yo boy Dajhon

    R.I.P. Roger .N

  2. sh*t like thiz makez you realllyy value the time you spend w. your loved onez. dawgg.... seriously.. i wanna see you soon. thiz makez me uncomfortable. we gotta chill , real sh*t.
